Department of Community Health Nursing was established in 2009 when the first batch of BSc Nursing students were admitted to the University of Kerala.
Department is committed to train the students to acquire clinical competencies to function at different levels in the community health sector through direct and indirect services for all age groups promoting community development and self-reliance. To promote the health and well being of the people in the community through community participation, collaboration and compassionate nursing care and innovation with excellence in quality, services and access.
VISION of Community health Nursing department is to emerge as a unit of excellence in education and research for preparing the future community health nurses as the integral members of health care team who can provide preventive, promotive and curative health care services to the individuals, families and communities.
Acquire good theoretical knowledge and skills based on the principles of community health nursing and practice with emphasis on comprehensive family health care. Participate as a member of health care team in preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative health care to individuals , families and communities. Demonstrate skill in nutritional assessment for different age groups in the community and provide appropriate nutritional counselling Provide health education to individuals and families applying the principles and techniques of behaviour change appropriate to community setting Develop effective communication skills and maintain good interpersonal relationship with family members and other health team workers. Practice evidence based nursing care with relevant research findings while rendering family health care. Conduct community based participatory research.
Faculty Excellence: Well-qualified postgraduate teaching faculty. Different teaching learning strategies: The department provides student centred teaching and learning by adopting innovative teaching learning methods like peer group teaching, project method, field trips Self directed learning , Context Based Learning, Team based learning, Problem based teaching learning methods and Simulation. Well Equipped Community Lab: Spacious Lab equipped with adequate number of articles, community bags and AV aids. Enough facility to carry out demonstration, OSCE and OSPE . Students are given extensive hands-on training in the lab before practicing in the actual clinical area Nurse Led Clinic: Nurse Led Clinic was started in 2016 under the Department of community health nursing to provide preventive and promotive health care services to the people of adopted village.
Add on courses: Add on courses in palliative care nursing & MLHP is developed by the department.
Strengthening the service of Nurse Led Clinic: Plan to start exercise club & obesity clinic for women , geriatric and palliative care services in NLC. Collaborative Research and Funded Projects : Plans to increase research opportunities for both faculty and students by establishing research collaborations with national and international institutions.
This department envisions facilitating appropriate and required learning experiences in community health nursing as described by the Indian Nursing Council for undergraduate and postgraduate nursing students. Students and faculty are actively involved in regular home visits and palliative care activities in the nearby rural and urban areas. The services are extended to the areas under Block Primary Health Centre, Vamanapuram, Community Health Centre, Tharatta, Sree Gokulam Urban Health Centre, Attingal and Sree Gokulam Rural Health Centre, Kallara. The department actively participates in extension activities like nutritional demonstrations, school health programmes, field trips, national health programmes and health camps. The department is involved in imparting regular health education to the public in rural and urban areas. Mass health education programs are conducted through role play, puppet shows, street play, flash mobs and Health exhibitions. Both PG and UG students are engaged in conducting community-oriented research projects. Nurse-Led Clinic was started in 2016 under the Department of Community Health Nursing to provide preventive and promotive health care services to the people of adopted village.
Associate Professor
9 yrs and 5 months
2 years 5 months
Nursing Tutor
2 months
Vice-Principal, HOD(Community Health Nursing)
16 years
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