

At Gokulam Nursing College, our laboratories are meticulously designed and equipped to provide students with hands-on learning experiences that simulate real-world healthcare settings. We understand the importance of practical training in nursing education, and our state-of-the-art laboratories are tailored to meet the evolving needs of modern healthcare practice. Nursing Skills Lab: Our nursing skills lab is equipped with advanced medical equipment and simulation technology to allow students to practice and master essential nursing skills in a controlled environment. Here, students learn fundamental nursing procedures, such as patient assessment, medication administration, wound care, and vital signs monitoring.Anatomy and Physiology Lab: In our anatomy and physiology lab, students gain a deep understanding of the human body through anatomical models, charts, and interactive multimedia resources. This lab provides students with hands-on experience in dissecting cadavers and studying the structure and function of organs and systems.Microbiology Lab: Our microbiology lab is equipped with cutting-edge instruments and facilities for studying microorganisms and infectious diseases. Students learn techniques for culturing, staining, and identifying bacteria, viruses, and fungi, as well as conducting antimicrobial susceptibility testing.